THE ENTRANCE by Flippo Vicarelli
Copyright 2007 Flippo Vicarelli
I thought I'd start my first review off with Italian musician and freelance artist Flippo Vicarelli's first CD offering of his exciting music. Okay, remember those wonderful and exciting quest style adventure games like "Final Fantasy", "Legend of Zelda", or "Phantasy Star" in the days before polygons and crappy story lines and trendy hair-dos? Remember the fun of setting off on an adventure to stop some dastardly villain across strange lands filled with mystery, danger and sappy drama all set to high heroic music?
The Entrance was created with just that in mind! The captivating musical pieces are carefully thought out and set to 11 different places adventurers would find in any quest, be it that happy little village in the hills, our heroes' homeland, a mysterious forest or entrance to a deep underground labyrinth. It's not from any rpg game but inspired by that genre while avoiding the bleeps and tweets of older style video games. Each piece sets the mood and all one has to do is sit back, relax and let the music take you where it's supposed to go.
Different instruments combined with some excellent keyboard work seamlessly come together to create a wonderful soundtrack for your daydreams and misty memories of adventure gaming of long ago. I highly recommend this enjoyable and well composed CD, it's for the pure fun of it! (^_^)
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